So i haven't updated in a while...clearly...so i think i should. My week at camp was not really my idea of a vacation. In other words, i would have much rather stayed home and hung out with pepole. But um..anywho. I'm like annoyed right now because i said something to my aunt and it's like...i cant say something without everyone hearing it eventually. And it got me into an argument. And my grandma keeps telling me that i "blurt things out" when i shouldn't. I think she's wrong...because it's me. I'm the type of person who says what they want, and doesnt give a shit what people think about it. I care too much about what people think of me...but really only how i look. Shouldn't be that way, but it is. My point being, that i think she wants me to change but um..HELLO, no-can-do. Unless of course it was for myself, then i could do it but i'm good for now. I'm sarcastic a little bit too much and some people think it's funny, but most people take it offensively and i really wish it wouldnt be that way but it's just how i am. I kind of hate it. But if you're going to be my friend, i do think you should know that half the time i'm kidding...so yea. It's going to be a good life. Eventually. I know it. Well, not that my life is bad, it's just little things like this that can make all the difference. We got a longgg way to go. But you know what? I'm not rushing it. There's a song called You're Gonna Miss This by trace adkins. And this part of the song is soooo totally true, and it gets me thinking.
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
Haden't gone by so fast...
Because i know when i'm like 25 and maybe getting married or something, i'm going to "miss" being young like a lot of people. And it scares me?
Yeppp bye kiddos<3
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