Soo people. Yeahh i'm still in colorado. Not that you would miss me or anything, :P
I got a hold of my great grandpas computer, tehe. I wrote a post the other day about my trip, but i deleted it because i decided you would hear about it anyway. I'll bet anything that he comes home later and gets mad because "something has gone wrong with the computer" and i was the last one on it. Shocking, I know. I seem to think that it's all in his head...but anyway. Everyone (meaning all of the family that doesn't already live here) is gone, and i'm still here for another week. I'll be home next thursday at like 6pm or something like that. Another stupid plane ride. Oh well. I've been really bored since everyone has left so i've been working on the polyvore thing a lot because i really have nothing else to do. So i'll pretty much be doing a ton of those, or atleast thinking about ideas for it. Oh, and while i'm ipod is like my best friend because it keeps me occupied :]. I thought i would share something amusing with's better when i actually tell you, but again, i have nothing else to do. So. The other day one of my cousins, Sophia, she's 8, was sitting on the couch and she had her cousin Sienna on her lap. She was like bouncing her legs with Sienna sitting on them, facing her, and she was singing "this is the way the horsey rides, the horsey rides, the horsey rides etc..." Not so bad right? Well then she starts singing "this is the way the mommy rides, the mommy rides, the mommy rides etc..." YEAH so i'm not really sure if you understand...or if you even read this stupid post, but i found that terribly disturbing. Like really. Maybe i'm the only one that would think bad thoughts about that, which is most likely true, but still. I shared it and now i'm ready to move on...with lyrics. I absolutely love this song, it's called Vulnerable by Secondhand Serenade...youu should listen to it:
Share with me the blankets that your wrapped in
because its cold outside cold outside its cold outside
share with me the secrets that you kept in
because its cold inside cold inside its cold inside
and your slowly shaking finger tips
show that your scared like me so
let's pretend we're alone
and I know you may be scared
and I know were unprepared
but I don't care
Tell me tell me
what makes you think that you are invincible
I can see it in your eyes that you're so sure
please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable
I don't know why i like this song, but i do. And this just came to mind when i was deleting the last post...i read some of the other ones and i didn't delete them but they were pretty stupid and i was complaining about nothing, i was clearly in a bad mood when i wrote those but sorry about thattt. They don't really matter, so it doesn't matter if you read them or not. And if you did then ignore it i guess. This is a long post kinda, so imma stop now :]
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Alrighty kiddo's i'm in a good mood kind of, so that means no complaining haha. well maybe that's not funny. maybe it is. who knows. wjrhflijkfne ok so i'm leaving for colorado today! but the sad part is that i'm gone for 3 weeks. people better call me while i'm gone. and there's not really a point in me posting this, because i think most of you know that i'm leaving. but uh, anywhooo imma miss you guysss<3 ...!
im drawing a blank and can't remember how to say goodbye in french so ill just say adios<3
...yeaaaaaa i'm cool.
im drawing a blank and can't remember how to say goodbye in french so ill just say adios<3
...yeaaaaaa i'm cool.
Monday, July 7, 2008
gonna miss this...eventually

So i haven't updated in a i think i should. My week at camp was not really my idea of a vacation. In other words, i would have much rather stayed home and hung out with pepole. But um..anywho. I'm like annoyed right now because i said something to my aunt and it's like...i cant say something without everyone hearing it eventually. And it got me into an argument. And my grandma keeps telling me that i "blurt things out" when i shouldn't. I think she's wrong...because it's me. I'm the type of person who says what they want, and doesnt give a shit what people think about it. I care too much about what people think of me...but really only how i look. Shouldn't be that way, but it is. My point being, that i think she wants me to change but um..HELLO, no-can-do. Unless of course it was for myself, then i could do it but i'm good for now. I'm sarcastic a little bit too much and some people think it's funny, but most people take it offensively and i really wish it wouldnt be that way but it's just how i am. I kind of hate it. But if you're going to be my friend, i do think you should know that half the time i'm yea. It's going to be a good life. Eventually. I know it. Well, not that my life is bad, it's just little things like this that can make all the difference. We got a longgg way to go. But you know what? I'm not rushing it. There's a song called You're Gonna Miss This by trace adkins. And this part of the song is soooo totally true, and it gets me thinking.
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
Haden't gone by so fast...
Because i know when i'm like 25 and maybe getting married or something, i'm going to "miss" being young like a lot of people. And it scares me?
Yeppp bye kiddos<3
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