Sooo, I really don't have anything to write about...really. It's like almost 11 so i can't really think, but i guarantee that nothing interesting has happened that's worth writing about. But i typed in "abstract" in google andi found this picture. I only like it because it doesnt mean anything unless you make it. Kind of like life...things happen and you choose if they matter or not, it's your life, they either impact you or they don't. Obviously this picture isn't going to impact anyone because, well it's a picture. But if you say the white is Him and the rest is your heart, then you could make it mean something. I know, that does sound ridiculous. This brings me to another point, kind of not regarding the picture. I'm starting to go to youth group because i want to understand everything..i mean two of my really good friends are involved with God and everything. Last time i just sat there and didn't participate and people may have thought i didn't care, but it takes knowledge to ask a question, and right now i'm just there to listen and perhaps learn something. That's my goal. But i hope you know it's not easy for me to do this because i wasn't brought up going to church...i mean i went every sunday but it didn't mean anything to me and now i wish it had, but i can try and make up for it. While i'm writing this, i can't understand if i'm going to youth group because i want to, or because i know i should. I think it's more of me knowing i should, but maybe it can turn into me actually wanting to go, that would be another goal i guess. And nowwww i'min trouble for being on the computer this late and i doubt anyone will care about this but i needed something to write about. For now, now that i read this over, it seems like a bunch of nonsense and when i see people getting into the hymns (i think thats what the music in the church is called?) i'm like wow, ok, freak, but it's nothing against them, i just can't get myself to be that way. Cause like i said...i wasn't brought up like that. Goal #3. Ok now i'm really done.